宽带联合:在anga.com 2024绘制新路径!

As Anga com 2024 斯威夫特ly approaches, we’re gearing up for a reunion with the cable industry in Cologne, Germany. 十大可靠彩票平台的 dedicated team is eager to showcase our latest advancements in solutions and technologies, designed to help operators provide an excellent broadband experience for their subscribers. 在本文中, we unveil a sneak peek of our innovative product and solution launches set to make waves at the event.

今年, angacom会议 presents a not-to-be-missed chance to delve into the forefront of broadband technology. 其中一个重要的亮点将是与 汉诺Narjus他是泰勒斯特宽带网络业务的负责人. 他将阐明DOCSIS 4的发展前景.0和光纤部署,重点关注 balancing of Distributed Access Architecture and PON in Europe’s evolving cable networks. Mark your calendars for this enlightening panel discussion, scheduled for 5月15日,星期三,17:00至18:00,2室.

Continue reading to discover more and get ready for an inspiring experience at 8号厅C12号展位5月14日至16日. 十大可靠彩票平台的专家期待着与您再次见面!

1.2 GHz现实与1握手.8 GHz十大可靠彩票平台

今年在anga.com,十大可靠彩票平台很兴奋地推出 CX4,十大可靠彩票平台最新的.8ghz射频放大器. 的 CX4 stands out with its dual capability to seamlessly support both 1.8 GHz和1.2ghz网络. This forward-looking solution allows operators to begin upgrading their networks immediately. 凭借其紧凑的尺寸, 成本效率, 安装方便, the amplifier can also effectively address key concerns in network installations. 了解更多详情 and come visit our ANGA COM stand for an in-depth exploration of the CX4’s capabilities!

十大可靠彩票平台的anga.com展览也将聚焦于 AC3080十大可靠彩票平台的创新.8 GHz amplifier concept, crafted to meet the specific needs of the European market. Drawing inspiration from the renowned ICON™ series of strand-mounted broadband amplifiers, the AC3080 adapts this powerful technology for street cabinet applications. 此外,十大可靠彩票平台很自豪地向您展示十大可靠彩票平台选出的1.北美有线宽带市场的8ghz解决方案. 这包括万能的 ICON3000系列 线路扩展平台和功能强大 ICON100 辅助放大器.


十大可靠彩票平台的 Distributed Access portfolio now encompasses a complete range of solutions that caters to diverse deployment needs. 符合行业规范, the entire range is designed for seamless multi-vendor interoperability with various CCAP cores and virtual CMTS cores, 在核心解决方案可能发生的更改期间,最大限度地减少许可证问题.

Accommodating two 远程物理设备 (RPDs) our high-capacity powerhouse called Das RPD架子 offers configurations varying from dual 1X1 units to a pair of 2X4 modules. This versatility ensures that our portfolio can adeptly address the capacity demands for any installation, 无论是大的mdu, 区域数据转发器, 或中心.

AC9400远端PHY节点, 十大可靠彩票平台第二代产品的关键部分, comes in not only the familiar 1X1 and 1X2 configurations but also in the expanded 2X2 and 2X4 variants. This expansion allows operators to efficiently manage upstream splits into two or four service groups (SGs) and downstream into two SGs, all with the benefit of built-in intelligence and an optional RF overlay.

十大可靠彩票平台也很自豪地介绍 DAN3远端PHY节点, a perfect fit for multi-dwelling unit broadband and fibre-deep environments. 欢迎更多地了解这个优秀的RPD was recognized among the best in the industry by the 2023 Broadband Technology Report’s 钻石技术评论!  


For operators keen on exploring solutions tailored to FttX rollouts, our top-tier 启发被动者 提供一个令人兴奋的选择. 的se components are not only of superior quality but also boast with extensive customization and pre-assembly options to suit varied needs. 十大可靠彩票平台的 range is specifically developed to tackle common installation challenges, 精简网络建设,提高效率, 斯威夫特, 和适应能力. 十大可靠彩票平台的 knowledgeable team is eager to discuss the intricacies of our design philosophy, 因此,十大可靠彩票平台热忱邀请您参观十大可靠彩票平台的展台,进行深入的交流!

此外,你将能够探索 1.8 GHz室内和室外射频无源 在整个欧洲取得了重大进展. 许多运营商正在迅速采用这些尖端组件, 认识到它们在战略实施1中的基本作用.8 GHz升级. 令人印象深刻的是,这些1.8 GHz passives offer better performance than traditional passives also in 1.2ghz网络, which makes them a solid choice for operators looking to elevate efficiency and network performance already today.

CATVisor Argus达到下一个里程碑

CATVisor Argus软件 继续完善运营商网络管理, offering enhanced capabilities for comprehensive oversight of network inventory and efficient mass configuration of components. 在去年势头的基础上, the software expanded into headend management with the introduction of the Luminato经理 附加组件 that helps streamline management of expansive video headend installations, even on a 遍及全国的规模.

创新之旅并没有就此止步. We’ve further augmented the scope of our software solutions by introducing the new RPD经理,专门为电话este远程PHY设备的管理量身定制. A 现场演示 这些能力将在Anga com 2024期间提供, so join us to find out what our software solutions can bring to your network management strategies!


十大可靠彩票平台的 Luminato 4X4数字前端 is a state-of-the-art edge QAM and multi-receiver platform that consistently delivers high-quality broadcast TV, 用无与伦比的服务连接观众. We have recently enhanced the platform with support for Secure Reliable Transport (SRT), 这样才能保证用户端的视频质量达到最佳, 即使在具有挑战性的网络条件下, 并支持视频流的端到端加密, 确保安全可靠的内容交付.

Demonstration of the Luminato 4X4 platform will be available on our stand where you can also discover how easy it is to perform batch configuration of Luminato clusters with the CATVisor Argus Luminato经理 software.


你的射频覆盖解决方案是否接近寿命终止或服务终止? 以各种名称而闻名- EDFA, 射频覆盖, 视频叠加, and broadcast over FTTH – these systems are pivotal for broadcasting video over fiber, 通常与基于pon的宽带一起使用.

As part of our 70th anniversary celebration, 电话este is thrilled to offer an exceptionally 独特的折扣对十大可靠彩票平台的射频覆盖设备, 一个持续可用并得到积极支持的范围. 这个活动包括十大可靠彩票平台所有的1550nm HDO和OFA系列产品,以及你可能感兴趣的光分离器. 你是否关注edfa, 光发射机, 或者不同的波长, 十大可靠彩票平台有你需要的解决方案.

To discover more about this exceptional offer and how it can benefit your operations, we invite you engage with our stand personnel at Anga com 2024 for a personal consultation and to take advantage of this offer! 或者,您可以通过十大可靠彩票平台的网站与十大可靠彩票平台联系. 这个独家 活动有效期至 6月30日或销售到70台先到先到.

Anga com 2024 serves as a pivotal gathering point for professionals across the spectrum of the cable industry, providing an ideal platform for the exchange of knowledge and pioneering ideas. 十大可靠彩票平台热忱邀请您加入十大可靠彩票平台的旅程!

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